Gold Price Today in Denmark in Danish Krone (DKK)
Gold prices in Denmark are updated at Wednesday 18 December 2024, 11:56 am, GMT (Wednesday 18 December 2024, 12:56 pm, Copenhagen time)
1 Ounce Gold = 18,805.68 Danish Krone
1 Gram Gold = 604.68 Danish Krone
The following table shows the latest gold price in Denmark in Danish Krone (DKK) per ounce. The rates are updated every few minutes and are updated more frequently at times of strong price moves based on live spot gold price (Bid Price).
Gold price in Denmark
Gold Unit | Gold Price in Danish Krone (DKK) | Gold Price in U.S. Dollar (USD) |
Gold Ounce | 18,805.68 | 2,646.04 |
10 Gold Tola | 70,521.31 | 9,922.66 |
Gold Gram 24K | 604.08 | 85.00 |
Gold Gram 22K | 553.89 | 77.93 |
Gold Gram 21K | 529.10 | 74.45 |
Gold Gram 18K | 453.51 | 63.81 |
Gold Gram 14K | 353.74 | 49.77 |
Gold Gram 12K | 302.34 | 42.54 |
Gold Gram 10K | 252.15 | 35.48 |
Gold Gram 9K | 226.76 | 31.91 |
Gold Gram 8K | 201.36 | 28.33 |
Gold Price in Danish Krone (DKK) | Gold Price in U.S. Dollar (USD) | |
Gold Ounce 24K | 18,786.88 | 2,643.40 |
Gold Ounce 22K | 17,226.01 | 2,423.77 |
Gold Ounce 21K | 16,454.97 | 2,315.29 |
Gold Ounce 18K | 14,104.26 | 1,984.53 |
Gold Ounce 14K | 11,001.32 | 1,547.93 |
Gold Ounce 12K | 9,402.84 | 1,323.02 |
Gold Ounce 10K | 7,841.97 | 1,103.40 |
Gold Ounce 9K | 7,052.13 | 992.27 |
Gold Ounce 8K | 6,262.29 | 881.13 |
Gold Price in Danish Krone (DKK) | Gold Price in U.S. Dollar (USD) | |
Gold Gram 24K | 604.00 | 84.99 |
Gold Gram 22K | 553.82 | 77.92 |
Gold Gram 21K | 529.03 | 74.44 |
Gold Gram 18K | 453.45 | 63.80 |
Gold Gram 14K | 353.69 | 49.77 |
Gold Gram 12K | 302.30 | 42.54 |
Gold Gram 10K | 252.12 | 35.47 |
Gold Gram 9K | 226.73 | 31.90 |
Gold Gram 8K | 201.33 | 28.33 |
Gold Price in Danish Krone (DKK) | Gold Price in U.S. Dollar (USD) | |
Gold Kilogram 24K | 603,998.09 | 84,985.17 |
Gold Kilogram 22K | 553,816.07 | 77,924.34 |
Gold Kilogram 21K | 529,027.36 | 74,436.46 |
Gold Kilogram 18K | 453,452.02 | 63,802.68 |
Gold Kilogram 14K | 353,692.58 | 49,766.09 |
Gold Kilogram 12K | 302,301.35 | 42,535.12 |
Gold Kilogram 10K | 252,119.32 | 35,474.29 |
Gold Kilogram 9K | 226,726.01 | 31,901.34 |
Gold Kilogram 8K | 201,332.70 | 28,328.39 |
Gold Price in Danish Krone (DKK) | Gold Price in U.S. Dollar (USD) | |
Gold Tola 24K | 7,045.08 | 991.27 |
Gold Tola 22K | 6,459.75 | 908.92 |
Gold Tola 21K | 6,170.61 | 868.23 |
Gold Tola 18K | 5,289.10 | 744.20 |
Gold Tola 14K | 4,125.50 | 580.48 |
Gold Tola 12K | 3,526.07 | 496.13 |
Gold Tola 10K | 2,940.74 | 413.77 |
Gold Tola 9K | 2,644.55 | 372.10 |
Gold Tola 8K | 2,348.36 | 330.42 |
Gold prices per ounce are converted from USD to Danish Krone according to the latest exchange rates where 1 USD = 7.11 Danish Krone
Gold prices are calculated both per ounce, gram, kilogram and tola and for the most common karats.
Gold price chart in Denmark in Danish Krone
Gold Price Changes in Danish Krone
The following table displays gold price changes in Denmark in the last year in Danish Krone (DKK) per ounce, kilogram and gram.
1 oz | 1 gm | Change | |
Current | 18,805.68 | 604.68 | - |
Yesterday | 18,800.13 | 604.51 | 0.03% |
30 days | 18,333.87 | 589.51 | 2.57% |
52 wk | 18,333.87 | 589.51 | 2.57% |
Yr high | 19,401.83 | 623.85 | -3.07% |
Yr low | 18,333.87 | 589.51 | 2.57% |
Historical gold prices in Danish Krone per ounce
Date | Ounce | Gram |
17 Dec 24 | 18,819.67 | 605.13 |
16 Dec 24 | 18,800.13 | 604.51 |
15 Dec 24 | 18,801.49 | 604.55 |
14 Dec 24 | 18,812.31 | 604.90 |
13 Dec 24 | 19,150.69 | 615.78 |
12 Dec 24 | 19,257.81 | 619.22 |
11 Dec 24 | 18,994.03 | 610.74 |
10 Dec 24 | 18,856.54 | 606.32 |
09 Dec 24 | 18,663.42 | 600.11 |
08 Dec 24 | 18,580.07 | 597.43 |
07 Dec 24 | 18,577.62 | 597.35 |
06 Dec 24 | 18,638.53 | 599.31 |
05 Dec 24 | 18,762.64 | 603.30 |
04 Dec 24 | 18,790.52 | 604.20 |
03 Dec 24 | 18,760.93 | 603.25 |
02 Dec 24 | 18,617.49 | 598.63 |
01 Dec 24 | 18,686.18 | 600.84 |
30 Nov 24 | 18,686.18 | 600.84 |
29 Nov 24 | 18,771.90 | 603.60 |
28 Nov 24 | 18,589.33 | 597.73 |
27 Nov 24 | 18,782.84 | 603.95 |
26 Nov 24 | 18,680.82 | 600.67 |
25 Nov 24 | 19,019.77 | 611.57 |
24 Nov 24 | 19,401.83 | 623.85 |
23 Nov 24 | 19,401.83 | 623.85 |
22 Nov 24 | 19,144.74 | 615.59 |
21 Nov 24 | 18,788.77 | 604.14 |
20 Nov 24 | 18,555.23 | 596.63 |
19 Nov 24 | 18,466.49 | 593.78 |
18 Nov 24 | 18,333.87 | 589.51 |
Amount | DKK |
1 ounce | 18,805.68 |
2 ounce | 37,611.37 |
3 ounce | 56,417.05 |
4 ounce | 75,222.73 |
5 ounce | 94,028.41 |
6 ounce | 112,834.10 |
7 ounce | 131,639.78 |
8 ounce | 150,445.46 |
9 ounce | 169,251.14 |
10 ounce | 188,056.83 |
20 ounce | 376,113.65 |
30 ounce | 564,170.48 |
40 ounce | 752,227.31 |
50 ounce | 940,284.13 |
60 ounce | 1,128,340.96 |
70 ounce | 1,316,397.78 |
80 ounce | 1,504,454.61 |
90 ounce | 1,692,511.44 |
100 ounce | 1,880,568.26 |
200 ounce | 3,761,136.53 |
300 ounce | 5,641,704.79 |
400 ounce | 7,522,273.06 |
500 ounce | 9,402,841.32 |
600 ounce | 11,283,409.58 |
700 ounce | 13,163,977.85 |
800 ounce | 15,044,546.11 |
900 ounce | 16,925,114.38 |
1000 ounce | 18,805,682.64 |
Gold Price in Major Cities of Denmark
DKK/oz | |
Copenhagen | 18,806 |
Århus | 18,806 |
Odense | 18,806 |
Aalborg | 18,806 |
Frederiksberg | 18,806 |
Esbjerg | 18,806 |
Horsens | 18,806 |
Randers | 18,806 |
Kolding | 18,806 |
Vejle | 18,806 |
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