Gold Price in Switzerland per Gram 8K
1 Gold Gram 8K= 25.07 Swiss Franc
Gold price is updated at Sunday 22 December 2024, 04:56 am, GMT (Sunday 22 December 2024, 05:56 am, Bern time)
Current Rate | 25.07 CHF/gm 8K |
Bid Price | 25.06 CHF/gm 8K |
Ask Price | 25.08 CHF/gm 8K |
Low | 24.71 CHF/gm 8K |
High | 25.33 CHF/gm 8K |
Open Price | 25.23 CHF/gm 8K |
Gram 8K is a unit for weighing gold used in Jewelleries in Switzerland. 1 Gram = 0.03215 troy ounce, 1 troy ounce = 31.104199066874 Gram. Today, Sunday 22 December 2024 in Switzerland, 1 Gram of gold 8K = 25.07 Swiss Franc.
Gold price chart in Switzerland in Swiss Franc Gram-8K
Karat 8 is practically never used in USA and Asia. It is the minimum accepted standard in Europe.
Historical gold prices in Swiss Franc per Gram 8K
Date | Gram 8K |
20 Dec 24 | 24.98 |
19 Dec 24 | 25.14 |
18 Dec 24 | 25.27 |
17 Dec 24 | 25.41 |
16 Dec 24 | 25.29 |
15 Dec 24 | 25.31 |
14 Dec 24 | 25.33 |
13 Dec 24 | 25.68 |
12 Dec 24 | 25.68 |
11 Dec 24 | 25.36 |
10 Dec 24 | 25.08 |
09 Dec 24 | 24.85 |
08 Dec 24 | 24.76 |
07 Dec 24 | 24.76 |
06 Dec 24 | 24.86 |
05 Dec 24 | 25.05 |
04 Dec 24 | 25.13 |
03 Dec 24 | 25.09 |
02 Dec 24 | 24.88 |
01 Dec 24 | 24.99 |
30 Nov 24 | 24.99 |
29 Nov 24 | 25.11 |
28 Nov 24 | 24.88 |
27 Nov 24 | 25.02 |
26 Nov 24 | 24.92 |
25 Nov 24 | 25.50 |
24 Nov 24 | 25.96 |
23 Nov 24 | 25.96 |
22 Nov 24 | 25.51 |
21 Nov 24 | 25.12 |
Amount | CHF |
1 gm 8K | 25.07 |
2 gm 8K | 50.13 |
3 gm 8K | 75.20 |
4 gm 8K | 100.26 |
5 gm 8K | 125.33 |
6 gm 8K | 150.40 |
7 gm 8K | 175.46 |
8 gm 8K | 200.53 |
9 gm 8K | 225.59 |
10 gm 8K | 250.66 |
20 gm 8K | 501.32 |
30 gm 8K | 751.98 |
40 gm 8K | 1,002.64 |
50 gm 8K | 1,253.30 |
60 gm 8K | 1,503.96 |
70 gm 8K | 1,754.62 |
80 gm 8K | 2,005.28 |
90 gm 8K | 2,255.94 |
100 gm 8K | 2,506.60 |
200 gm 8K | 5,013.21 |
300 gm 8K | 7,519.81 |
400 gm 8K | 10,026.42 |
500 gm 8K | 12,533.02 |
600 gm 8K | 15,039.63 |
700 gm 8K | 17,546.23 |
800 gm 8K | 20,052.84 |
900 gm 8K | 22,559.44 |
1000 gm 8K | 25,066.05 |
Gold Price in Major Cities of Switzerland
CHF/Gram 8K | |
Zürich | 25.07 |
Genève | 25.07 |
Basel | 25.07 |
Bern | 25.07 |
Lausanne | 25.07 |
Winterthur | 25.07 |
Sankt Gallen | 25.07 |
Lugano | 25.07 |
Luzern | 25.07 |
Zürich (Kreis 11) | 25.07 |
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I’ve researched the purest cheapest gold I’m the world and I’m curious to c what an ounce would cost of pure 24kt gold and kilos I’m currently buying good coins pure gold 1oz coins for 800$
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